Over a cup of green tea

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Over a cup of green tea

A few minutes ago, while I was working on my projects, I fixed myself a cup of green tea with diving mint leaves that left a very refreshing taste when removed. While drinking, I saw my blog’s bookmark on the bookmark’s bar and it hit me “I haven’t written since months thus I need to write!”

I still don’t know what I’ll write about but I think it will be something about what you leave behind you for I got inspired when I wrote “left a very refreshing taste when removed” in the above paragraph.

Lately, I've not only been through a writer’s block but through a writer’s comma! Yes, a comma! At first, I wasn't inspired but then I had many inspirations and less time and in some cases many inspirations and lazy time.

Since the last time I wrote, life as I knew it have changed, I have changed therefore everything about me have changed even the way I express my feeling in words have changed.

The refreshing taste of mint in my cup of green tea, refreshed my memory which gave me no choice but to stop working and just think. This time I’m not thinking about letting go or getting over things but about giving into my life and living up to the expectations of all who gave me a position and believed in me.

In life, we were given many positions. For instance, Allah Subhana wa ta'ala gave us the position of his glory’s worshipers. We were gifted with a soul and according to how good we are in taking care of it by doing what we were asked to do and avoiding what we were banned from, an eternal habitat will be granted to us either in heaven or in hell. Our parents gave us the position of their trusted child. Our relatives gave us the position of a modem that keeps our blood connection going. Our instructors in school or our heads in work gave us the position of the responsible student or employee. And last but not least our beloved ones and dear friends, they gave us the position of a lover, the feeling of being loved and cared about, the responsibility to keep a soul connection with someone not like anyone alive, with selected people whom you can trust and relay on and gave us a shoulder to cry on.

Now of all times, of the 20 years I have lived, I realize that everything starts within your brain, your heart and your soul. Once you decide to take a decision, do it sincerely from your heart and perform it with all the strength of your soul you can succeed and do a good deed. Inner peace is what keeps us strongly going, it is what keeps us sane. When you believe that everything written for us happens for a reason, when you are thankful for every reason, when you believe in the existence of the reason even if it wasn't known {لاَ تَسْأَلُواْ عَنْ أَشْيَاء إِن تُبْدَ لَكُمْ تَسُؤْكُمْ} and when you love Allah as much as he loves you then only who will feel your inner peace.

No pain no gain! Heartbreaks, headaches, all the aches and all the pain, suffering, swollen eyes that ran out of tears, being forced to face your fears and  having no one that can bring back your cheers. These are our wake up calls they are the siren’s call (the enticing appeal of something alluring but potentially dangerous)! No matter how we fear them happening they are appealing when compared to what we fear after death, so we either look at the bright side believe that they are beautiful, listen to the danger they might be hiding and avoid it in the lower life before we regret it in the afterlife or give in and lose eternally. Its either we be thankful or object Allah’s well.

{إِنَّا هَدَيْنَاهُ السَّبِيلَ إِمَّا شَاكِراً وَإِمَّا كَفُوراً}

Yes life as I knew it have changed, I have changed and soon insha’Allah I’ll be the change I want to see in the world.  Wonders of life are endless you just have to see things without your eyes, look at the full half, think of what you leave behind you when you will be removed just like how the mint refreshed my memory after removed. It is amazing how my whole life’s work, experiences and knowledge just passed by over a cup of green tea.

With all the love I carry in my heart, I wish you all a happy life. May I be the mint to your lives when I get removed. <3


hessa said...

I didn't read it all hhh but I like it N I wanted 2 cheer up 4 u :p *shout out 4 Rema* woohoo #asawelch.Jaw <3

AKA-Reema said...

Thanks a lot Hessa, it means a lot <3

And thanks to all who read it :*

shaikha Almarzooqi said...

A beautiful piece of writing from a beautiful lady♡ very inspiring & positive as usual!
I hope you change the change you want to change & never stop writing!

AKA-Reema said...

Shaikha, you left me speechless :')

Thank you very much!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting thought thread....

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